I am trying to add a new column (slot) to a data.frame, depending on the row value of id. The short representative data is as following.
id Cap Rs R_inv
257 464A485SSEE3 1.41E-10 736665.125 1.36E-06
258 464A485SSEE3 1.30E-10 364822.6875 2.74E-06
289 464A485TSEB2 1.44E-10 111996.1016 8.93E-06
290 464A485TSEB2 1.33E-10 108541 9.21E-06
I think we could write a loop function to add new column. But I hope to learn simple function such as cbind or raw$slot<-???
If you have a long table, probably could consider using "join" function of "dplyr" package.
# First, here is your data:
df <- structure(list(id = structure(c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L), .Label = c("464A485SSEE3",
"464A485TSEB2"), class = "factor"), Cap = c(1.41e-10, 1.3e-10,
1.44e-10, 1.33e-10), Rs = c(736665.125, 364822.6875, 111996.1016,
108541), R_inv = c(1.36e-06, 2.74e-06, 8.93e-06, 9.21e-06)), .Names = c("id",
"Cap", "Rs", "R_inv"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("257",
"258", "289", "290"))
# id Cap Rs R_inv
# 257 464A485SSEE3 1.41e-10 736665.1 1.36e-06
# 258 464A485SSEE3 1.30e-10 364822.7 2.74e-06
# 289 464A485TSEB2 1.44e-10 111996.1 8.93e-06
# 290 464A485TSEB2 1.33e-10 108541.0 9.21e-06
# Then create a matching table similar to below:
match_table <- structure(list(id = structure(1:2, .Label = c("464A485SSEE3",
"464A485TSEB2"), class = "factor"), slot_no = structure(1:2, .Label = c("slot_1",
"slot_2"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("id", "slot_no"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA,
# id slot_no
# 1 464A485SSEE3 slot_1
# 2 464A485TSEB2 slot_2
# Do joining
left_join(df, match_table)
# id Cap Rs R_inv slot_no
# 1 464A485SSEE3 1.41e-10 736665.1 1.36e-06 slot_1
# 2 464A485SSEE3 1.30e-10 364822.7 2.74e-06 slot_1
# 3 464A485TSEB2 1.44e-10 111996.1 8.93e-06 slot_2
# 4 464A485TSEB2 1.33e-10 108541.0 9.21e-06 slot_2