From what I can tell, normal HXT seems to be more geared toward queries on XML moreso than XML AST refactoring. However, one of the HXT modules, Data.Tree.NTree.Zippers.TypeDefs
seems to have some machinery for diving into a document and doing local work, instead of the more global arrows. However, I can't seem to get anything to work. This is a follow-up post to my earlier HXT issue - all the code is the same, except now trans
is replacing this
Here is the entry point to my program:
start :: App -> IO [XmlTree]
start (App src dest) = runX $
readDocument [
--... some settings ...
writeDocument [
--... some settings ...
And here is the module where trans
is defined:
module Main.Internal where
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlNode (mkText')
import Text.XML.HXT.Core hiding (addToTheRight)
import Data.Tree.NTree.Zipper.TypeDefs
trans :: IOSLA (XIOState s) XmlTree XmlTree
trans = arrL go
go :: XmlTree -> [XmlTree]
go x = [fromNTZipper . manip . toNTZipper $ x]
unList :: [a] -> a
unList [] = error "dun goofed!"
unList (x:_) = x
manip = fromJust . (addToTheRight $ mkText' "bar")
. fromJust . down
Finally, here is my input file:
and my output:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
So, why isn't "bar" anywhere to be found in my output? Shouldn't it appear right after </html>
? Any help would, again, be wonderful :)
Your ideas seem to be solid and I'm not sure where you're wrong, but playing around with it I was able to generate the test code:
import Data.Tree.NTree.Zipper.TypeDefs
import Text.XML.HXT.Parser.HtmlParsec
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.XmlNode
import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.TypeDefs
import Data.Tree.NTree.TypeDefs
import Control.Arrow.IOListArrow
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.WriteDocument
str = "<html>\n <head>\n <title>foo</title>\n </head>\n <body>\n <h1>foo</h1>\n </body>\n</html>"
fromJust (Just x) = x
manip :: NTree XNode -> NTree XNode
manip x = fromNTZipper $ fromJust $
down (toNTZipper x) >>= addToTheLeft (mkText "Boo!") >>= up
stringify = runIOLA $ writeDocumentToString []
main = do
xs <- mapM stringify $ map manip $ parseHtmlDocument "" str
putStrLn (show xs)
which outputs [["\n Boo!<head>\n <title>foo</title>\n </head>\n <body>\n <h1>foo</h1>\n </body>\n"]]
. I'm not actually sure what happened to the <html>
element but addToTheLeft
does exactly what it says it does. (I am using the >>=
for the Maybe monad above).
I don't know if it's trans
or >>>
above that, but the manip
you're doing seems like it should work.
EDIT: Notice that a lot of what I've written above avoids the idiomatic arrows which are central to HXT, which is probably why I'm getting some strange results. It looks from the package structure that importing Text.XML.HXT.Core
is enough for generally reading strings and documents. The following works for me:
Prelude> let file = "<html>\n <head>\n <title>foo</title>\n </head>\n <body>\n <h1>foo</h1>\n </body>\n</html>"
Prelude> :m +Text.XML.HXT.Core
Prelude Text.XML.HXT.Core> let apply (arrows) str = head $ runLA (xshow $ hread >>> arrows) str
Prelude Text.XML.HXT.Core> :t apply
apply :: LA XmlTree XmlTree -> String -> String
Prelude Text.XML.HXT.Core> putStrLn $ apply (withNav $ moveDown >>> addToTheLeft (txt "bar") >>> moveUp) file
so those are the relevant functions. Notice that HXT already seems to do its Maybe
stuff by clobbering XML trees in the list (of the LA
list arrow) which do not satisfy a given predicate.