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new BigDecimal("0") NumberFormatException

I'm having a weird problem with BigDecimal.

I have a parse method as follows:

protected BigDecimal parseBigDecimalFromText(String text) {"parseBigDecimalFromText("+text+")");
    return new BigDecimal(text);

Now when I run my test the code properly works.

public void parseBigDecimalFromZero() {

    // given
    String text = "0";

    // when
    BigDecimal bigDecimal = basicPage.parseBigDecimalFromText(text);

    // then
    Assert.assertEquals(new BigDecimal("0"), bigDecimal);

But when I execute my application passing exactly the same String "0" I got a "java.lang.NumberFormatException"

Following is the log:

2014-11-05 23:21:33.142: INFO - parseBigDecimalFromText(0) 
2014-11-05 23:21:33.142: SEVERE - null 
    at java.math.BigDecimal.<init>(
    at java.math.BigDecimal.<init>(
    at com.aa.travian.pages.BasicPage.parseBigDecimalFromText(

I know that when my app starts I'm setting a specific Locale:

Locale locale = getConfig().getLocale();
ResourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("translations", locale);

but I don't see how this should break my parseBigDecimalFromText method.

Following is my java version:

java -versionjava version "1.7.0_65"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.5.2) (7u65-2.5.2-3~14.04)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.65-b04, mixed mode)

Any idea what is happening here? Looking at the BigDecimal source code it looks like it falls while parsing the exponent:

// exponent expected
if ((c != 'e') && (c != 'E'))
    throw new NumberFormatException();

Thanks in advance for your time.


  • You can't log a string variable to verify its contents, because many many different strings are not visually distinguishable.

    Instead, treat all your strings as binary data. Make a hex dump and compare that.

    Here's one way of reproducing your output and problem:

    $ cat
    import java.util.regex.*;
    import java.util.logging.*;
    import java.math.*;
    class Test {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("test");
            String text = "0\0";
            new BigDecimal(text);
    $ javac
    $ java Test
    Nov 06, 2014 12:55:40 AM Test main
    INFO: parseBigDecimalFromText(0)
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException
            at java.math.BigDecimal.<init>(
            at java.math.BigDecimal.<init>(
            at Test.main(