I was wondering if I can generate a Venn diagram using vennDiagram
in R without generating the counts matrix using vennCounts
but having a similar matrix saved. So let's say I have this matrix:
G S P Counts
1 1 1 117898
1 1 0 125901
1 0 1 119360
0 1 1 118086
1 0 0 3505
0 1 0 753
0 0 1 701
0 0 0 0
and I call it M. when I do
m <- as.matrix(M)
I see:
Error in vennDiagram(m) : Can't plot Venn diagram for more than 3 sets
Is there any way around this problem? I am trying to bypass generating the matrix of 1 and 0s as I already have the counts.
Here's a hacky way to do it. I generate artificial sets that contain fake members composed of integers. But it works
lines = "1 1 1 117898
1 1 0 125901
1 0 1 119360
0 1 1 118086
1 0 0 3505
0 1 0 753
0 0 1 701
0 0 0 0"
con <- textConnection(lines)
data <- read.table(con)
names(data) = c('G','S','P')
sets = vector(mode = 'list', length = ncol(data)-1)
names(sets) = names(data)[1:(ncol(data)-1)]
lastElement = 0
for (i in 1:nrow(data)){
elements = lastElement:(lastElement+data[i,ncol(data)]-1)
lastElement = elements[length(elements)]+1
for (j in 1:(ncol(data)-1)){
if (data[i,j]==1){
laVenn = venn.diagram(sets,filename=NULL)