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crontab permission denied error

I put a for crontab to execute and redirecting the output into an email to my mailox. The script works when I run it manually. Unfortunately, when crontab does the job, it has the following error (from the output sent to me):

/bin/sh: /home/zenoss/ Permission denied

My crontab setup is the following:

30 11 * * * /home/zenoss/ 2>&1 | mail -s "Zenoss backup replication" [email protected]

And these are the permission on the I need to execute:

-rw-rw-r-- 1 zenoss zenoss 1433 Nov  5 10:32
[zenoss@server1 ~]$

Does anyone know which permission I am missing? Thank you.


  • You have to put the eXecutable bit on the script to do the job:

    chmod +x /home/zenoss/