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Moose: Loading object from file in the BUILD method

I have to read a file in the BUILD method and I want to use the load method of the MooseX::Storage package.
But this load method create a new object and so when I instatiate the object this isn’t the object read from file. In the code below I create an object $m1 with state 2 to write the file, I create $m2 with no parameter to read the file but $m2 doesn’t contain the right value. The package:

package mia;
use Moose;
use MooseX::Storage;

with Storage(format => 'JSON', io => 'File');

has 'nome'  => ( is     => 'rw', isa    => 'Str', default =>'',);
has 'stato' => ( is     => 'rw', isa    => 'Int', default =>1,);

sub BUILD { 
    my $self=shift;
    if ($self->stato==1){
    if ($self->stato==2){

sub stampa(){
    my $self=shift;
    print $self->nome." ".$self->stato;

the main program

use mia;
my $m;

print "\nm1 \n";
print "\nm2 \n";


  • Your code seems to be acting as if BUILD is a constructor, which it isn't -- it's more like a post-construction hook where you can perform other things like read values from a DB. You should instead either:

    • store the result of mia->load in an attribute, and optionally use delegated methods to access it, or
    • use the result of mia->load as the object, rather than constructing a separate one.

    Here is an example of the first case, separating the MooseX::Storage object from the object that controls it:

    package miaController;
    use Moose;
    use mia;
    has 'nome'  => ( is     => 'rw', isa    => 'Str', default =>'',);
    has 'stato' => ( is     => 'rw', isa    => 'Int', default =>1,);
    has 'mia'   => ( is     => 'rw', isa    => 'mia', lazy => 1);
    sub BUILD
        my $self = shift;
        if ($self->stato == 1)
        elsif ($self->stato == 2)
    sub stampa
        my $self = shift;
        print $self->nome." ".$self->stato;
    package mia;
    use Moose;
    use MooseX::Storage;
    with Storage(format => 'JSON', io => 'File');
    package main:
    use miaController;
    my $m1=miaController->new(stato=>2);
    my $m2=miaController->new();
    print "\nm1 \n";
    print "\nm2 \n";