Search code examples

Cassandra CQL searching for element in list

I have a table that has a column of list type (tags):

    video_id UUID,
    title VARCHAR,
    tags LIST<VARCHAR>,
    PRIMARY KEY (video_id, upload_timestamp)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (upload_timestamp DESC);

I have plenty of rows containing various values in the tags column, ie. ["outdoor","funny cats","funny mice"].

I want to perform a SELECT query that will return all rows that contain "funny cats" in the tags column. How can I do that?


  • To directly answer your question, yes there is a way to accomplish this. As of Cassandra 2.1 you can create a secondary index on a collection. First, I'll re-create your column family definition (while adding a definition for upload_timestamp timeuuid) and put some values in it.

    aploetz@cqlsh:stackoverflow> SELECT * FROM videos ;
     video_id                             | upload_timestamp                     | tags                                          | title
     2977b806-df76-4dd7-a57e-11d361e72ce1 | fc011080-64f9-11e4-a819-21b264d4c94d |             ['sci-fi', 'action', 'adventure'] |                 Star Wars
     ab696e1f-78c0-45e6-893f-430e88db7f46 | 8db7c4b0-64fa-11e4-a819-21b264d4c94d |                               ['documentary'] | The Witches of Whitewater
     15e6bc0d-6195-4d8b-ad25-771966c780c8 | 1680d120-64fa-11e4-a819-21b264d4c94d | ['dark comedy', 'action', 'language warning'] |              Pulp Fiction
    (3 rows)

    Next, I'll create a secondary index on the tags column:

    aploetz@cqlsh:stackoverflow> CREATE INDEX ON videos (tags);

    Now, if I want to query the videos that contain the tag "action," I can accomplish this with the CONTAINS keyword:

    aploetz@cqlsh:stackoverflow> SELECT * FROM videos WHERE tags CONTAINS 'action';
     video_id                             | upload_timestamp                     | tags                                          | title
     2977b806-df76-4dd7-a57e-11d361e72ce1 | fc011080-64f9-11e4-a819-21b264d4c94d |             ['sci-fi', 'action', 'adventure'] |    Star Wars
     15e6bc0d-6195-4d8b-ad25-771966c780c8 | 1680d120-64fa-11e4-a819-21b264d4c94d | ['dark comedy', 'action', 'language warning'] | Pulp Fiction
    (2 rows)

    With this all being said, I should pass along a couple of warnings:

    • Secondary indexes do not perform well at scale. They exist to provide convenience, not performance. If you are expecting to have to query by tag often, then the right way to solve this would be to create a videosbytag query table, with the same data but keyed like this: PRIMARY KEY (tag,video_id)
    • You don't need the double-quotes in your table name. In fact, having it in quotes may cause you problems (ok, maybe minor irritations) down the road.