We have two Spring Boot applications with a client-server architecture. The backend is configured with Spring Data REST + JPA. The front end should consume the resources exposed by the backend and serve a public REST api.
Is it possible to have Spring data map the domain objects automatically from DTOs by declaring, e.g., a mapper bean?
// JPA persistable
public class Order { .. }
// Immutable DTO
public class OrderDto { .. }
// Is this somehow possible..
public interface OrderDtoRepository extends CrudRepository<OrderDto, Long> {}
// .. instead of this?
public interface OrderRepository extends CrudRepository<Order, Long> {}
We can make use of Projection feature (available from 2.2.x onwards) in Spring Data REST. Something like below:
import org.springframework.data.rest.core.config.Projection;
@Projection(name = "orderDTO", types = Order.class)
public interface OrderDTO {
//get attributes required for DTO
String getOrderName();
@RepositoryRestResource(excerptProjection = OrderDTO.class)
public interface OrderRepository extends CrudRepository<Order, Long> {
When calling REST set "projection" parameter to "orderDTO" i.e
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