So if you had
myarray: .half 71, 92, 24, 59, 0x68, 10, 35, 34
The line of code below would assign the number of elements in myarray to symbol N.
.equ N, (. - myarray) / 2
I don't understand how this works. What does the . - part of the code really do?
(On PIC32MX360F256L with MPLAB 1.33 IDE)
You don't specify which assembler you are using, so this could be way off. I'm assuming you have some sort of GNU as
-compatible, for MIPS, which supports the .half
directive to declare half-words.
The equ
directive sets the symbol N
to the value of the expression (. - myarray) / 2
In turn, (. - myarray)
is the difference between myarray
, the beginning of the array you declared, and the address .
, the current address that as
is assembling into.
Since myarray
is an array of half-words (16-bits wide), dividing by 2 will make N
equal to the number of elements in myarray
, similar to the C expression: sizeof myarray / sizeof *myarray