I am using Mcrypt to encrypt some strings.
After that I store them in my database, but in my database it looks like "??f??R?????h$", because many special chars are replaced by a '?'.
Do I have to use a special charset or is there another simple way?
Regards, Cr41s3
I think you might be saving the encrypted string's bytes directly into mysql database.
You could do something like this to solve your problem:
Encryption: Orignal Text > MCrypt Encrypt > Base64 Encode > Store as Plain Text in MySQL
Decryption: Load encrypted base64 encoded text from MySQL > Base64 Decode > MCrypt Decrypt -> Orignal Text
This is how I would do it. Create a class to do encryption/decryption:
class cipher
private $securekey;
private $iv_size;
function __construct($textkey)
$this->iv_size = mcrypt_get_iv_size(
$this->securekey = hash(
function encrypt($input)
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv($this->iv_size);
return base64_encode(
$iv . mcrypt_encrypt(
function decrypt($input)
$input = base64_decode($input);
$iv = substr(
$cipher = substr(
return trim(
Then use it like this:
// Usage
$cipher = new cipher('my-secret-key');
$orignal_text = 'my secret message';
$encrypted_text = $cipher->encrypt($orignal_text); // store this in db
$decrypted_text = $cipher->decrypt($encrypted_text); // load $encrypted_text from db
// Debug
echo "<pre>";
echo "Orignal Text : $orignal_text\r\n";
echo "Encrypted Text: $encrypted_text\r\n";
echo "Decrypted Text: $decrypted_text";
echo "</pre>";
This respectively outputs the following:
Orignal Text : my secret message
Encrypted Text: Z21ifr5dHEdE9nO8vaDWb9QkjooqCK4UI6D/Ui+fkpmXWwmxloy8hM+7oimtw1wE
Decrypted Text: my secret message