i'm working on a .NET application that uses Solr as Search Engine. I had configured a SolrCloud installation with two server (one for Replica) and i didn't split the index in shards (number of shards = 1). I have read that SolrCloud (via Zookeeper) can do some load balancing, but i didn't understand how. If a call a specific address where an instance of solr is deployed, the query appears only on the logs of that specific server.
On the documentation of SolrCloud i've found that:
Explicitly specify the addresses of shards you want to query, giving alternatives (delimited by |) used for load balancing and fail-over:
I'm wondering if i can use this notation to force load balancing also if a have an entire index (only one shard) and in that case how the load-balancer works.
UPDATE: I've tested this solution and it works. Adding the various shard addresses in the field "shards" separated by the character "|" forces Solr to call the internal load balancer (LBHttpSolrServer) that performs a simple round robin balancing.
Thanks for your help.
Regards, Jacopo
I've tested this solution and it works. Adding the various shard addresses in the field "shards" separated by the character "|" forces Solr to call the internal load balancer (LBHttpSolrServer) that performs a simple round robin balancing.