val system = ActorSystem("test")
val http = IO(Http)(system)
def fetch = http ! HttpRequest(GET, "")
If I were to do:
(0 to 25).foreach(_ => fetch)
I would expect that the code would fire off 25 asynchronous requests. What happens instead is that four requests are set off. They wait for a response. When the response to all 4 comes back then four more are sent off until all 25 are processed.
I tried tweaking with Spray's configuration to create a custom dispatcher but this had no effect...
outbound-http-dispatcher {
type = Dispatcher
executor = "thread-pool-executor"
throughput = 250
spray.can {
host-connector-dispatcher = outbound-http-dispatcher
manager-dispatcher = outbound-http-dispatcher
How can I configure Akka/Spray to send off all 25 requests asynchronously?
Using: Akka 2.2.3, Spray 1.2.0
You are running into the max connections configuration setting for the host-connector in spray (it is 4 by default).
This is how you change it: