Am new to IBM Worklight,Is there a way to fetch the call Log and contact,like in android using TelephonyManager
to track call duration,call details.Can any one know,please guide me to do fetch these details.
Worklight itself does not have access to this information. However, Worklight uses Cordova, and using Cordova you could gain this access.
To accomplish the above, you will need to create a Cordova plug-in, from which you will be able to hook into the TelephonyManager
and retrieve any information that it can provide you, including call duration and details.
Creating a Cordova plug-in cannot be explained shortly, so I will link you to the training module explaining exactly this: Adding native functionality to hybrid applications with Apache Cordova.
Also, in the following question I have code written that enables hooking to the TelephonyMananger to get a different type of information, so you should be able to modify it to get what you need: IBM Worklight - Unable to get network signal strength in Android