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Configuring Gunicorn: No application module specified

I'm trying to deploy a django project with NGINX and gunicorn. I keep getting 502 Bad Gateway. I've been working nonstop on this for the past few days and I can't seem to get this deployed. I've gone through 3 tutorials on Digital Ocean, but they aren't correct, obviously.

I keep getting 502 bad gateway, or if I try to use runserver, I get 400 bad request.

I think my problem is with gunicorn. When I enter gunicorn -config, it says

usage: gunicorn [OPTIONS] [APP_MODULE] gunicorn: error: No application module specified.

Every bit of documentation I can find says to simply type gunicorn wsgi:application, but when I do, it says "workers failed to boot." How do I set an application module?


  • Assuming you have nginx proxying to port 8001, you want to do this:

    gunicorn -b your_project_name.wsgi:application

    You need to run that from your project folder (where the file is present).