So, I'm just trying to draw a texture to two triangles that are the same size as the viewport, but it breaks up the image and distorts it, I have tried resizing the image file and everything, but nothing seems to work. Below is the code that maps the texture and draws the triangles.
public void Render()
Texture texture = _textureManager.Get("splash");
Gl.glBindTexture(Gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture.Id);
double height = 720;
double width = 1280;
double x = 0;
double y = 0;
double z = 0;
float topUV = 0;
float bottomUV = 1;
float leftUV = 0;
float rightUV = 1;
Gl.glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Gl.glTexCoord2d(leftUV, topUV);
Gl.glVertex3d(x - width, y + height, z);
Gl.glTexCoord2d(rightUV, topUV);
Gl.glVertex3d(x + width, y + height, z);
Gl.glTexCoord2d(leftUV, bottomUV);
Gl.glVertex3d(x - width, y - height, z);
Gl.glTexCoord2d(rightUV, topUV);
Gl.glVertex3d(x + width, y + height, z);
Gl.glTexCoord2d(rightUV, bottomUV);
Gl.glVertex3d(x + width, y - height, z);
Gl.glTexCoord2d(leftUV, bottomUV);
Gl.glVertex3d(x - width, y - height, z);
Here is the original image:
And here's the result:
The image is 1920 x 1080, and the viewport is 1280 x 720, but I'm not too sure that matters because I have tried resizing the image and nothing seems to work.
Alright, so I ended up cutting the image in half down the center and just loading two images, and then I used four triangles. This may not be the most elegant solution, but it works just fine. I'm guessing it had to do with the dimensions of the image. (I also changed the parameters for the texture coordinates and all the vertices so that it is more straight forward in the context of Stack Overflow).
public void Render()
//Draw Left Half
Texture texture = _textureManager.Get("splash1");
Gl.glBindTexture(Gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture.Id);
Gl.glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Gl.glTexCoord2d(0, 0);//top left
Gl.glVertex2f(-1280 , 720);
Gl.glTexCoord2d(1, 0);//middle top
Gl.glVertex2f(0, 720);
Gl.glTexCoord2d(0, 1);//bottom left
Gl.glVertex2f(-1280, -720);
Gl.glTexCoord2d(0, 1);//bottom left
Gl.glVertex2f(-1280, -720);
Gl.glTexCoord2d(1, 0);//middle right top
Gl.glVertex2f(0, 720);
Gl.glTexCoord2d(1, 1);//bottom middle
Gl.glVertex2f(0, -720);
//Draw Right Half
texture = _textureManager.Get("splash2");
Gl.glBindTexture(Gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture.Id);
Gl.glTexCoord2d(0, 0);//middle top
Gl.glVertex2f(0, 720);
Gl.glTexCoord2d(1, 0);//top right
Gl.glVertex2f(1280, 720);
Gl.glTexCoord2d(0, 1);//bottom middle
Gl.glVertex2f(0, -720);
Gl.glTexCoord2d(1, 0);//top right
Gl.glVertex2f(1280, 720);
Gl.glTexCoord2d(0, 1);//bottom middle
Gl.glVertex2f(0, -720);
Gl.glTexCoord2d(1, 1);//bottom right
Gl.glVertex2f(1280, -720);