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PostGIS bounding box query returned strange results

I tried the following SQL commands:

    lat_lng geography(Point,4326),
    place_name varchar(50)

CREATE INDEX places_lat_lng_idx ON places USING gist(lat_lng);

INSERT INTO places values ('POINT(-126.4 45.32)', 'Food Bar1');
INSERT INTO places values ('POINT(-126.4 47.32)', 'Food Bar2');
INSERT INTO places values ('POINT(-125.4 47.42)', 'Food Bar3');

SELECT place_name, ST_AsText(lat_lng) as point
FROM places WHERE places.lat_lng && 
  ST_MakeEnvelope(-130.0, 44.0,
                  -100.0, 46.7, 4326);

The result is:

 place_name |        point        
 Food Bar1  | POINT(-126.4 45.32)
 Food Bar2  | POINT(-126.4 47.32)
 Food Bar3  | POINT(-125.4 47.42)

This doesn't look right to me, as the ymax is 46.7, but the "Food Bar2" and "Food Bar3" have ymax values of 47.32 and 47.42, perspectively. Where is the problem?


  • Here is your geography envelope:


    Here it is, with your query points. The envelope is flattened to Cartesian space with ST_Segmentize:

    SELECT ST_Segmentize(
       ST_MakeEnvelope(-130.0, 44.0,
                       -100.0, 46.7, 4326)::geography,50000);


    So you are correct that the points should be within the geography envelope, however you used a && bounding box operator, which ignores the geometry shape. The bounding box for the geography envelope looks like this:


    which shows all points in the bounding box.

    Fix the query with something like this:

    SELECT place_name, ST_AsText(lat_lng) as point
    FROM places
    WHERE ST_Intersects(
        ST_MakeEnvelope(-130.0, 44.0,
                        -100.0, 46.7, 4326), 