I have the text file that contains measurement data, the header is not that important so I used this to remove the first 25 lines
% Skip the first 25 lines
for i=1:25
Then I used delimiter in order to get the data
delimiter = '';
values = textscan(inputfile, '%s', 'delimiter', delimiter);
I am trying to convert cell that consists of 1000 char as in the following. Here what I got
'2014_11_03_17-19-49 000 430114 516672 960.91 26.2'
'2014_11_03_17-19-49 001 430112 516656 960.91 26.2'
'2014_11_03_17-19-49 002 430112 516656 960.91 26.2'
'2014_11_03_17-19-49 003 430112 516656 960.91 26.2'
I am trying to convert cell that consists of 1000 char as in the previous I am concerning about (960.91 and 26.2) values only.
I tried to convert it to matrix but i got
this error Cannot support cell arrays containing cell arrays or objects.
Any idea how to just got those values into matrix to plot them.
Approach #1
You can use the nifty importdata
here -
lines_skip = 25;
values = importdata(inputfile,' ',lines_skip) %// using the delimiter ' ' here
would be a struct holding the data from inputfile
Thus, fourth column
would be values.data(:,4)
, while values.data(:,5)
would be the fifth
one as shown here -
>> values.data(:,4)
ans =
>> values.data(:,5)
ans =
Approach #2
If you already have the cell array as listed in the question, you don't need to worry about reading the input file again. So, you have something like this -
incell = {
'2014_11_03_17-19-49 000 430114 516672 960.91 26.2'
'2014_11_03_17-19-49 001 430112 516656 960.91 26.2'
'2014_11_03_17-19-49 002 430112 516656 960.91 26.2'
'2014_11_03_17-19-49 003 430112 516656 960.91 26.2'}
Next, you can use cellfun
with regexp
to split each cell into columns using the delimiter ' '
cellarr = cellfun(@(x) regexp(x,' ','Split'),incell,'un',0)
values = vertcat(cellarr{:})
which will get you -
values =
'2014_11_03_17-19-49' '000' '430114' '516672' '960.91' '26.2'
'2014_11_03_17-19-49' '001' '430112' '516656' '960.91' '26.2'
'2014_11_03_17-19-49' '002' '430112' '516656' '960.91' '26.2'
'2014_11_03_17-19-49' '003' '430112' '516656' '960.91' '26.2'
That is, fifth and sixth columns from values
would be the data you were looking to have after wrapping str2double
around them : str2double(values(:,5))
and str2double(values(:,6))