I'm new in Couchbase. I'm trying to some basic operations with Node.js from the Couchbase Documents on Couchbase Server 3.0.1 . When I try the bulk operations, the codes - that have gotten from Couchbase docs - has failed.
There is a Data Bucket named "test". And the bucket has 2 records they have doc number 1 and 2. I can success if I get the documents one by one.
But the following codes return an error such as;
throw new TypeError('First argument needs to be a string or buffer.');
My codes;
var couchbase = require("couchbase");
var cluster = new couchbase.Cluster('');
var bucket = cluster.openBucket('test');
// Bulk operation
bucket.get(['1', '2'], function(err, res) {
if(err) {
console.log("one or more operation failed", err);
console.log("success!", res);
Edited: I'm using Couchbase Node.js 2.0
From the Couchbase Node.js 2.0.0 API documentation the get()
only operates on a single key.
The function you are looking for is getMulti()
bucket.getmulti(['1', '2'], function(err, res) {
if(err) {
console.log("one or more operation failed", err);
console.log("success!", res);