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Editing a Phone Call's 'Quick View Form'

I find the Quick View Form for Phone Call activity non-editable (save button disabled) in my installation of Dynamics CRM 2013 (trial version downloaded from Microsoft site). However, this video describes the said form as editable (watch from 10:35 - 12:35 mins). So how can I edit this form?

Moreover, it is described in the video that a said Quick View Form is used to create a quick phone call record in the social pane of the entity form. How can we use the Quick View Form like this (create quick record) for our custom entity? Or is it only a built-in feature for out of the box social pane?


  • This was changed in the final version of CRM, the video uses the beta version. I watched the whole series a while ago and noticed this and some other small differences between the beta and the released version.