I'm using cplex linear programming in matlab (cplexlp) to solve the problem
min f'u s.t. Au>=b, u>=lb
[u,minima,flag] = cplexlp(f,-A,-b,[],[],lb);
but I need a solution tolerance of below 1e-9, which is the minimal tolerance in documentation. I figured I can just scale the problem (e.g. by 10000) and achieve an effective tolerance of 1e-13.
options = cplexoptimset('cplex');
options.simplex.tolerances.feasibility = tolerance;
options.simplex.tolerances.optimality = tolerance;
[u,minima,flag] = cplexlp(scale*f,-scale*A,-scale*b,[],[],scale*lb,[], [], options);
minima = minima / scale;
It does not work, and the tolerance is improved to 1e-11 but not less. The image below show in log10 scale the 'real solution' (found using a different method) and the solution returned by the algorithm for different parameters (each color is different A,b and the x axes is some parameter of the problem which control the solution). As you can see, the real solution is achieved as long as it is above 1e-11.
Any suggestion for why is it so or how to avoid this problem?
CPLEX, like most other codes, uses double precision arithmetic. Within this environment you usually can trust your results only up to the first 9 or 10, maybe 11, digits. That's also the reason why you cannot set a smaller tolerance in CPLEX.
To get more accurate results you would have to use a solver that uses rational arithmetic. QSopt_ex and SoPlex (with iterative refinement) are two possibilities. I do not know how this is possible from within Matlab.