Goodmorning, this is my layout:
<div class="row">
<div class="medium-8 small-12 columns">
<div class="medium-4 small-12 columns">
My question is: is there a way to show on mobile layout first the last div and then the first? Because, if I use push and pull, I can shift them in medium layout ("medium-8 medium-push-4" and "medium-4 medium-pull-8") but not in the mobile one. And before using visibility class, I'd like to know if there was a smarter way.
Thank you for your help,
Have the layout according to your mobile screen.
then use source rendering to align for small-up screens (have second div first
<div class="row">
<div class=" small-12 medium-4 medium-push-8 columns">
your last div have it as first div and use source rendering for small-up screens
<div class="small-12 medium-8 medium-pull-4 columns">