How to I change the monitoring-agent.config to go out via proxy with authentication?
The change log states...
Monitoring Agent Released 2014-07-08 Added support for HTTP proxy configuration in the agent configuration file.
But I can't see how to do this.
Following wdberkeley's link I can add this value to the monitoring-agent.config file.
But this gives..
Failure getting conf. Op: Get Err: Proxy Authentication Required
Is there anyway to set the authentication user/password ?
Edit file:
Add line...
Then get the proxy control team, who ever they be, to exclude the following from requiring authentication.
This has worked for me. I now have the MMS Agent on Windows sending stat's to the MMS service.
Thanks to @wdberkeley for starting me off on this route. wdberkeley, the page you linked to does not exist & the classic page PDF & HTTP versions state 'HTTP_PROXY' not 'httpproxy' (on OSx section & tar.gz section), section '6.6 Monitoring Agent Configuration' does state the correct property name 'httpproxy'.