I created a index.php file located in http://localhost/home/index.php. The file filled with the code below.
# //include the file
# //create the object
$firephp = FirePHP::getInstance(true);
# //send information
$firephp->fb("Hello world!");
I enabled fireBug and firePHP, BTW I download firePHPCore and copy FirePHP.class.php to http://localhost/home/FirePHP.class.php directory.
To run this code I can't see the message “Hello world!” in the firebug console.
I followed the tutorial http://yensdesign.com/2008/10/how-to-debug-php-code/
Winxp and fireFox 3.6.3; fireBug 1.5.3; firePHP 0.4.3 used. Any suggesion?
I am new to fireBug.
Net panel is disabled....
Enable Net Panel. It works well. It's cool.
Thank you.