How can I ensure the position of key-value pairs inside a NSDictionary when defining it?
For example if I define:
[detailsView setDatasource: @[
@{ @"title_1":@"description1",
@"title_4":@"description4" }],
@{ @"Action_1":[NSNull null],
@"Action_2":[NSNull null],
@"Action_3":[NSNumber numberWithBool:false] }]
Then at runtime I have different order of items
[detailsView setDatasource: @[
@{ @"title_2":@"description2",
@"title_1":@"description1" }],
@{ @"Action_3":[NSNumber numberWithBool:false],
@"Action_1":[NSNull null],
@"Action_2":[NSNull null]}]
This behaviour is unpredictable... How NSDictionary is initialised when initialising it with literals , and is there a way of ensure that a key-value pair will be at defined position when using literals ?
-- EDIT --
Not a brilliant solution but works. I ended-up doing like this:
@[ @"Route details",
@[@"route-direction", @"Route direction", [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ → %@", journey[@"from"], journey[@"to"]]],
@[@"poi-count", @"Points of interest", journey[@"pois-count"]],
@[@"date-created", @"Date created", journey[@"created-at"]],
@[ @"Actions" ,
@[@"favourite", @"Favourite", ( [journey objectForKey:@"favourite"] ? [journey objectForKey:@"favourite"] : [NSNumber numberWithBool:false])],
@[@"load",@"Load now",[NSNull null]],
@[@"delete",@"Delete",[NSNull null]],
[NSNumber numberWithInteger: indexPath.row]]];
NSDictionary is not a ordered container.If you use it,you should not care the order of data.
If you want a ordered dictionary,refer to this link
Or you may write another NSArray/NSMutableArray
to keep the keys order of this NSDictionary.
Or just use NSArray instead of NSDictionary,one array keep keys,another array keep values
Hope this could be helpful