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How to internationalize string in coffeescript with i18n value?

My problem is fairly simple: I have a string in one of my coffeescripts that I need to internationalize with an i18n value in my Rails application. Here's my code:

 $ ->
      $("#order_accepted_terms").on 'invalid', ->
        this.setCustomValidity('Die AGB müssen akzeptiert werden.')

Anyone got any ideas?


  • I usually use this gem - It behaves much like native Rails I18n. After configuring the gem (check the readme at github) you add to the end of your layout (example is in Haml)

      = javascript_tag do
        I18n.defaultLocale = "#{I18n.default_locale}"
        I18n.locale = "#{I18n.locale}"

    to set default and current locales and then you can use I18n in javascript (and coffeescript) as follows (some examples from the readme):

    I18n.l("time.formats.short", "2009-09-18 23:12:43")

    Also passing parameters to translations is supported. Considering you have a translation

        greet: "Hello %{name}!"

    you can do this

    I18n.t("users.greet", {name: 'Nick'})

    and you'll get as a result

    Hello Nick!

    You'll find much more examples following the link above.