I have to pull out values from backend and fill it as rows in the flex table. I am not using static data, so I cannot use:
table.setText(0, 0, "Name");
table.setText(0, 1,"Birthdate");
table.setText(0, 2, "Address");
How can I pull out data and fill it as rows in flex table. Or should I use a Grid table for the same?
What's about something like this. In another class you could load your data from backend and create new Car Objekts and pass them to the MyCarFlexTable class.
class MyCarFlexTable extends FlexTable {
private int rowNumber;
private List<Car> cars;
public MyCarFlexTable(List<Car> cars) {
this.cars = cars;
private void initTable() {
for(Car c : cars) {
// define which data is printed in which column
setText(rowNumber, 0, c.getId()); // Id of Car
setWidget(rowNumber, 1, new Label(c.getName())); // Name of Car
// add more Columns