I am using Mac OS maverick. I attempted to follow the instructions as mentioned in
However, after doing this
sudo sshfs root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/ ~/mnt/droplet
I was unable to access the folder droplet. It disappeared from finder.
Does anyone know why?
I had same issue on Snow Leopard. It's a MacFUSE issue. You need to add an extra option to tell MacFUSE to allow outside programs handle it. Also you need to tell it to defer permission checks.
this worked for me:
sudo sshfs me@my.remote.server.edu:/ /Users/ME/MyMOUNT -o allow_other,defer_permissions
More on macfuse options here:
And here: https://code.google.com/p/macfuse/wiki/OPTIONS
And another user having same issue (resolved in a slightly different way) here: https://superuser.com/questions/772405/why-does-directory-vanish-when-i-do-sshfs-how-to-setup-sshfs-share-on-max-osx-1