I installed yadr onto my terminal, but I keep getting the following error when I open Vim:
neocomplete does not work this version of Vim.
It requires "if_lua" enabled Vim(7.3.885 or above).
This fixed it:
brew install macvim --with-cscope --with-lua --HEAD
brew uninstall vim
brew install vim --with-lua
If it still doesn't work after running the previous commands:
When you install vim
with brew
, it probably didn't install it to the "correct" location. Looking at the terminal output during the installation (brew install vim
) should tell you this location. For me, brew
installed vim
Whereas when I ran which vim
, I got the following result:
$ which vim
So all you have to do is:
sudo cp /path/to/newly/installed/vim /path/to/old/vim
In my case, I did:
sudo cp /usr/local/Cellar/vim/7.4.712 /usr/bin/vim