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Problems with Vim and lua?

I installed yadr onto my terminal, but I keep getting the following error when I open Vim:

neocomplete does not work this version of Vim.
It requires "if_lua" enabled Vim(7.3.885 or above).


  • Upgraded Vim to version 7.4.493 but still get the error.
  • Running OS X Yosemite


  • This fixed it:

    brew install macvim --with-cscope --with-lua --HEAD
    brew uninstall vim
    brew install vim --with-lua

    If it still doesn't work after running the previous commands:

    When you install vim with brew, it probably didn't install it to the "correct" location. Looking at the terminal output during the installation (brew install vim) should tell you this location. For me, brew installed vim here:


    Whereas when I ran which vim, I got the following result:

    $ which vim

    So all you have to do is:

    sudo cp /path/to/newly/installed/vim /path/to/old/vim

    In my case, I did:

    sudo cp /usr/local/Cellar/vim/7.4.712 /usr/bin/vim