I'm trying to use an autocmd to check for the existence of a certain file when a file is opened. If the file exists, I want to do a vsplit
, and move the vsplit buffer to the right. Something like:
function! CheckForFile()
let file=expand("%:p:h")."/.".expand("%:t").".x"
if filereadable(file)
execute "vs " . file
autocmd BufReadPost * call CheckForFile()
I can't figure out how to do the <C-w>L
part. All I get is syntax errors.
How do I move the buffer in the CheckForFile function?
is a normal mode command; as such, it can't be used as is in the context of a function. The equivalent ex command of all the <C-w>
normal mode command is wincmd {char}
as you can see at the end of :help window-move-cursor
So the correct notation is:
wincmd L