Assembly beginner here, please be gentle! I have the following x64 assembly procedure and would like to patch it to always return a 15 (type int).
0000000000005f2c push rbp
0000000000005f2d mov rbp, rsp
0000000000005f30 mov eax, dword [ds:rdi+0x18c]
0000000000005f36 pop rbp
0000000000005f37 ret
How do I do that? Many thanks in advance!
Change the code at 5F30
to mov eax, 15
. Since that is just 5 bytes and you have 6, add a NOP
for padding. Machine code bytes B8 0F 00 00 00 90
If you want to patch a file, you will first have to find the proper offset of course.