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Cannot run Phar archives

On a RHEL server I cannot seem to run PhpUnit. Here are examples as root to illustrate the steps that I've tried to install PhpUnit and how it does not run:

# wget
# chmod +x phpunit.phar
# ./phpunit --version

PHP Fatal error:  require(): Failed opening required 'phar://phpunit-4.3.4.phar/phpunit/TextUI/Command.php' (include_path='.:') in /usr/local/bin/phpunit on line 592
PHP Stack trace:
PHP   1. {main}() /usr/local/bin/phpunit:0
PHP   2. {closure}() /usr/local/bin/phpunit:0

# mv phpunit.phar /usr/local/bin/phpunit
# which phpunit

# phpunit --version

PHP Fatal error:  require(): Failed opening required 'phar://phpunit-4.3.4.phar/phpunit/TextUI/Command.php' (include_path='.:') in /usr/local/bin/phpunit on line 592
PHP Stack trace:
PHP   1. {main}() /usr/local/bin/phpunit:0
PHP   2. {closure}() /usr/local/bin/phpunit:0

It seems that PHP is choking on the phar:// address format defined on line 13:

# cat /usr/local/bin/phpunit | awk 'NR==592'
          require __PHPUNIT_PHAR_ROOT__ . $classes[$class];

# cat /usr/local/bin/phpunit | grep -n __PHPUNIT_PHAR_ROOT__
13:define('__PHPUNIT_PHAR_ROOT__', 'phar://phpunit-4.3.4.phar');
592:          require __PHPUNIT_PHAR_ROOT__ . $classes[$class];
601:        print file_get_contents(__PHPUNIT_PHAR_ROOT__ . '/manifest.txt');
20811:        if (defined('__PHPUNIT_PHAR_ROOT__')) {
20812:            $prefix = __PHPUNIT_PHAR_ROOT__;
26020:        copy(__PHPUNIT_PHAR_ROOT__ . '/ca.pem', $caFile);

The server is RHEL 6.5:

# uname -a
Linux foobar 2.6.32-220.38.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed May 15 08:34:56 EDT 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

# cat /etc/issue
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5 (Santiago)
Kernel \r on an \m


  • The solution was to just use PHPUnit from PEAR, which also would not run with this error:

    [root@panthercrm ~]# /usr/bin/phpunit
    PHP Warning:  require_once(File/Iterator/Autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/share/pear/PHPUnit/
    Autoload.php on line 64
    PHP Stack trace:
    PHP   1. {main}() /usr/bin/phpunit:0
    PHP   2. require() /usr/bin/phpunit:43
    PHP Fatal error:  require_once(): Failed opening required 'File/Iterator/Autoload.php' (include_path='.:') in /usr/share/pear/PHPUni
    t/Autoload.php on line 64
    PHP Stack trace:
    PHP   1. {main}() /usr/bin/phpunit:0
    PHP   2. require() /usr/bin/phpunit:43        

    Adding the following line to /etc/php.ini resolved the issue for the PEAR version of PHPUnit:

    include_path = ".:/usr/share/pear"