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Gridster.js with 100% width

Is it possible to make gridster.js have 100% width for the canvas (not the grid elements but the canvas itself. This would have to update on resize. I saw the width: "auto" property but I'm not sure if it's doing anything in my fiddle, but in any case it doesnt work as desired.

    var options = {
      widget_base_dimensions: [100, 120],
      widget_margins: [5, 5],
        //width: 'auto',
      draggable: {
        handle: 'header'
    $(".gridster ul").gridster(options);

      $(window).resize(function() {
            $(".gridster ul").gridster(options);



  • You mean besides setting it yourself?

    $(".gridster ul").gridster(options).width("auto");