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crash when using a category

I create a class category of UITouch this my code :

 - (id)initInView:(UIView *)view;
CGRect frame = view.frame;    
CGPoint centerPoint = CGPointMake(frame.size.width * 0.5f, frame.size.height * 0.5f);
return [self initAtPoint:centerPoint inView:view];

- (id)initAtPoint:(CGPoint)point inWindow:(UIWindow *)window;
 self = [super init];
if (self == nil) {
    return nil;

// Create a fake tap touch
_tapCount = 1;
_locationInWindow = point;
_previousLocationInWindow = _locationInWindow;

UIView *hitTestView = [window hitTest:_locationInWindow withEvent:nil];

_window = [window retain];
_view = [hitTestView retain];
if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(setGestureView:)]) {
    [self setGestureView:hitTestView];
_phase = UITouchPhaseBegan;
_touchFlags._firstTouchForView = 1;
_touchFlags._isTap = 1;
_timestamp = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] systemUptime];

return self;

- (id)initAtPoint:(CGPoint)point inView:(UIView *)view;
 return [self initAtPoint:[view.window convertPoint:point fromView:view] inWindow:view.window];

- (void)setPhase:(UITouchPhase)phase;
_phase = phase;
_timestamp = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] systemUptime];

but when I call it I get this crash -[UITouch initAtPoint:inView:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance How can I fix that?


  • You say you created a category, but did not include the definition of your category.

    It should look something like this:

    @interface UITouch (customInitMethods)
    - (id)initInView:(UIView *)view;
    - (id)initAtPoint:(CGPoint)point inWindow:(UIWindow *)window;
    - (id)initAtPoint:(CGPoint)point inView:(UIView *)view;

    And then your implementation:

    #import "UITouch+customInitMethods.h"
    @implementation UITouch (customInitMethod)
    //Your method implementations go here.

    Make sure that the target checkbox on the .m file of your category file is set to include the category in your application target.

    Then you would need to #import UITouch+customInitMethods.h in any file that wanted to use your custom init methods.