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castle PerRequestLifestyle not recognize

New to Castle/Windsor, please bear with me.

I am currently using the framework System.Web.Mvc.Extensibility and in its start up code, it registered HttpContextBase like the following:

container.Register(Component.For<HttpContextBase>().LifeStyle.Transient.UsingFactoryMethod(() => new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current)));

What I wanted to do is to change the behavior and change the lifestyle of httpContextBase to be PerWebRequest.

so I have change the code to the following:

container.Register(Component.For<HttpContextBase>().LifeStyle.PerWebRequest.UsingFactoryMethod(() => new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current)));

However, when I do this, I got the following error:

 System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Looks like you forgot to 
 register the http module Castle.MicroKernel.Lifestyle.PerWebRequestLifestyleModule
 Add '<add name="PerRequestLifestyle" 
 type="Castle.MicroKernel.Lifestyle.PerWebRequestLifestyleModule, Castle.MicroKernel" 
 />' to the <httpModules> section on your web.config

which I did under <system.web> and <system.webServer>, however, I am still getting the same error. Any hints?

Thanks in advance.


added code block per request

In the system.web.mvc.extensibility framework, there is a class called extendedMvcApplication which inherit from HttpApplication, and in the Application_start method, it calls BootStrapper.Execute(). This implementation of this method is the following:

public void Execute()
        bool shouldSkip = false;

        foreach (IBootstrapperTask task in ServiceLocator.GetAllInstances<IBootstrapperTask>().OrderBy(task => task.Order))
            if (shouldSkip)
                shouldSkip = false;

            TaskContinuation continuation = task.Execute(ServiceLocator);

            if (continuation == TaskContinuation.Break)

            shouldSkip = continuation == TaskContinuation.Skip;

As you can see, it loops through a list of IBootStrapperTask and tries to execute them. It so happens that I have one task that register the routes in my mvc app:

public class RegisterRoutes : RegisterRoutesBase
    private HttpContextBase contextBase;

    protected override TaskContinuation ExecuteCore(IServiceLocator serviceLocator)
        contextBase = serviceLocator.GetInstance<HttpContextBase>();
        return base.ExecuteCore(serviceLocator);

    protected override void Register(RouteCollection routes)
        routes.IgnoreRoute("{*favicon}", new { favicon = @"(.*/)?favicon.ico(/.*)?" });
        routes.IgnoreRoute("{*robotstxt}", new { robotstxt = @"(.*/)?robots.txt(/.*)?" });

        XmlRouting.SetAppRoutes(routes, contextBase.Server.MapPath("~/Configuration/Routes.xml"));

you can see that I need to getInstance(resolve) a httpcontextbase object such that I can get the server path of a xml file.


  • As of this writing, PerWebRequest lifestyle does not support resolving in Application_Start().

    See issue description and discussion:

    Workarounds for this particular case:

    1. Register RegisterRoutes as an instance, explicitly passing it the current context as constructor parameter, e.g.:

                                  .Instance(new RegisterRoutes(Context)));
    2. Use HostingEnvironment.MapPath instead of contextBase.Server.MapPath. Want to make it mockable? Use it through a simple interface, e.g.:

      interface IServerMapPath {
          string MapPath(string virtualPath);
      class ServerMapPath: IServerMapPath {
          public string MapPath(string virtualPath) {
              return HostingEnvironment.MapPath(virtualPath);
      container.AddComponent<IServerMapPath, ServerMapPath>();

    Then inject IServerMapPath into your RegisterRoutes.