I am trying to create Soap Adapter using IBM Work light but I am not able to get web services methods to work light projects Services folder. When I am running my project after deployment of adapter it will not showing proper output. Let me know if anyone had made demo or some good Links related to it.
Finally I have successfully consume weather Soap service.
Below given is main function which should call after successful connection.
function loadContactSuccess(result){
WL.Logger.debug("Device is connected to WL server");
WL.Logger.info("Inside loadContactSuccess" );
var list = result.invocationResult.Envelope.Body.GetWeatherInformationResponse.GetWeatherInformationResult.WeatherDescription;
console.log("list detail ..." + list);
sessionStorage.setItem("WeatherDescription", JSON.stringify(result.invocationResult.Envelope.Body.GetWeatherInformationResponse.GetWeatherInformationResult.WeatherDescription));
WL.Logger.debug("WeatherDescription list :: ", JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("WeatherDescription")));
var tempValue = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("WeatherDescription"));
console.log("Inside loadContactSuccess ..." + tempValue.length);
text = "";
var i;
for (i = 0; i < tempValue.length; i++) {
text += tempValue[i].WeatherID +" "+"<img src="+ tempValue[i].PictureURL +">" + "<br>";
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = text ;
You can also download demo example create by me from URL.Click Here