I'm writing a minesweeper game in python, and am currently trying to implement a floodfill algorithm. This is what I've written:
def floodfill(CURRENT_BOARD, row, col):
count = count_mines(row, col)
CURRENT_BOARD[row][col] = str(count) + ' '
if CURRENT_BOARD[row][col] == 'P ':
CURRENT_BOARD[row][col] = 'P '
if row > 0:
floodfill(CURRENT_BOARD, row - 1, col)
if row < len(BOARD[row]) - 1:
floodfill(CURRENT_BOARD, row + 1, col)
if col > 0:
floodfill(CURRENT_BOARD, row, col - 1)
if col < len(BOARD) - 1:
floodfill(CURRENT_BOARD, row, col + 1)
CURRENT_BOARD[row][col] = ' '
if row > 0:
floodfill(CURRENT_BOARD, row - 1, col)
if row < len(BOARD[row]) - 1:
floodfill(CURRENT_BOARD, row + 1, col)
if col > 0:
floodfill(CURRENT_BOARD, row, col - 1)
if col < len(BOARD) - 1:
floodfill(CURRENT_BOARD, row, col + 1)
things to note:
POSSIBLE_MINE_NUMBERS = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
count_mines is a function that counts the number of mines in the surrounding 8 squares of row, col.
the board (CURRENT_BOARD) is a list of lists.
'P ' represents a flag, the algorithm is supposed to skip over flags.
' ' represents an empty space in the board.
The problem is when it is called, I get heaps of errors before it overflows the call stack, and I'm wondering what I've done wrong.
I think you should revise your recursion algorithm:
You should probably also think about how you store your board. At the moment you use the representation of the board to store the data. It might be a good idea to create a tile class and have a function that prints the board accordingly.
As for the number of adjacent mines: The mines never change, so you don't have to determine the count for each tile over and over again with a function. It is enough to determine it once after placing the mines and store the information. (If you use a class for tiles, I'd store the information there.)
Anyway, below is an implementation that uses your identification by string plus a set of tuple positions to represent the mines:
Covered = '---'
Flagged = '-P-'
board = []
for x in range(12):
board += [[Covered] * 12]
mines = set([
(1, 12), (8, 2), (5, 5), (9, 4), (11, 11), (0, 9),
(5, 5), (6, 7), (9, 9), (9, 10), (11, 5)
def count_mines(a, b):
c = 0
if (a - 1, b - 1) in mines: c += 1
if (a + 0, b - 1) in mines: c += 1
if (a + 1, b - 1) in mines: c += 1
if (a - 1, b + 0) in mines: c += 1
if (a + 1, b + 0) in mines: c += 1
if (a - 1, b + 1) in mines: c += 1
if (a + 0, b + 1) in mines: c += 1
if (a + 1, b + 1) in mines: c += 1
return c
def floodfill(board, row, col):
if board[row][col] == Covered:
count = count_mines(row, col)
if count > 0:
board[row][col] = ' ' + str(count) + ' '
board[row][col] = ' '
if row > 0:
floodfill(board, row - 1, col)
if row < len(board[row]) - 1:
floodfill(board, row + 1, col)
if col > 0:
floodfill(board, row, col - 1)
if col < len(board) - 1:
floodfill(board, row, col + 1)
def show(board):
for b in board:
print "".join(b)
floodfill(board, 0, 0)