How to convert datatable to json string using WCF Rest Service in c# WCF Application
U should use JsonConvert.SerializeObject followed by the datatable in the first parameter, and then the way you want to format it in the 2nd parameter.
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objAcctDTable, Formatting.None);
if you are struggling with the escape quotes or slashes, you should put your string through this function before doing anything with it
public string EscapeQuotesMySql(string str)
string retVal = System.String.Empty;
if (!System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(str))
// replace special quotes
retVal = str.Replace((char)8216, '\'');
retVal = retVal.Replace((char)8217, '\'');
// escapes for SQL
retVal = retVal.Replace(@"\", @"\\");
retVal = retVal.Replace(@"'", @"\'");
return retVal;