I'm trying to use the Checkout Dependencies feature in Leiningen to work on a project that uses a checkout of Flambo. My project.clj
looks something like:
(defproject spark-streaming "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]
[yieldbot/flambo "0.4.0-SNAPSHOT"]
[amazonica "0.2.29"]
[clj-time "0.8.0"]] ;other stuff omitted
My directory structure looks like this:
|- checkouts
|- <need symlink to yieldbot/flambo>
|- src
|- project.clj
What I tried:
to the actual location of Flambo.I can't do this either:
|- checkouts
|- yieldbot
|- flambo //this is a symlink
because Lein expects a project.clj in the yieldbot
directory. Doing lein classpath
confirms that my checkout isn't being used.
into checkouts/yieldbot
. Doesn't work, for the same reason as aboveWhat can I do?
The only thing lein expects in the directory directly underneath checkouts is a project.clj file. The organization namespace is inferred from that project file, and has nothing to do with the directory structure above the symlink.
In your flambo project file, make sure you have (defproject yieldbot/flambo "version" ...
correctly. Then in your checkouts of your spark-streaming project, create a symlink to the flambo
directory itself.