This video makes a compelling case for Google Cloud Save but I'm a bit confused as to how I get it. I went to the Cloud Save page to sign up but the form just said that the EAP was over and they'd let me know when it was available.
This would've been simple enough except that if you go to the "Resolving Could Save Conflicts" page on the Android developer site, it links to a page which advises Game developers to switch from Cloud Save to the Saved Games service.
Is Cloud Save now a part of Games Services? My application isn't a game but it will involve the storage of simple data objects per user so this feature would be nice to have.
Yes it is a part of google game services. It is called 'Saved Games' or sometimes 'Snapshots'. It uses Google Drive to store files privately (meaning only your App can access them). It is quite specific for games in its implementation (it supports screenshots and has 'play time' etc).
The documentation for it is here:
Added after Cloud Platform Live event...
Google's new solution for easily sync'ing user data to the cloud and between devices is Firebase. They bought Firebase in Fall of 2014 and 'presented' it at their Google Cloud Platform Live event on 2014-11-04. The session that went into detail about Firebase is not available and there isn't much in the blog posts that went up for the event, but Google has sent an e-mail to attendees saying that they will be publishing more about their plans for Firebase on their blog here.
What impact this has on the Google Cloud Save feature is uncertain, but it is note-worthy that Firebase received lots of 'air-time' at conference and I didn't hear cloud-save being mentioned. Note that while they can both be used for the same purpose, GCS saves its data in the google DS while Firebase uses its own json datastore.