how to get count number with group by activationDate?
i tried this query
def mapQuery6= new HashMap()
def query6 = "SELECT count( as totalCount,al.activationDate from Card al where and TO_DAYS(al.activationDate) > TO_DAYS(:from) and TO_DAYS(al.activationDate) <= TO_DAYS(:to) GROUP BY al.activationDate "
mapQuery6.from = params.from
def to = new Date().parse('dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss', " 05:00:00")
to.setDate(to.getDate() + 1) = to
println "query 6 = "+query6
def activecard = Card.executeQuery(query6,mapQuery6)[0]
println "activecard = "+activecard
i want the result like this
if iam using Group by al.activationDate
the the result when i printed was
activecard = [1, 2014-06-17 20:27:11.0]
and if without group by al.activationDate
the result was
activecard = [6, 2014-06-27 20:27:11.0]
so i want ge a count number every month.. example 2014-07-xx have 3 count, 2014-06-xx 2, and 2014-05-xx only 1
Try grouping by month like
GROUP BY MONTH(al.activationDate)