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Impromptu - Simple pass variable to URL

Really could use some help / logic.

I want to pass an elementid on the href of a jquery impromptu that can then be used to append to a destination url.

That is; start with a href:

<a class="link" href="javascript:;" elementid="66">Remove item</a>

I want it so that if I click on this link it will send me to: remove-element.php?elementid=66

My javascript looks like:

function removeItem(id) { 
var txt = 'Are you sure you want to remove this item?';
$.prompt(txt, { 
buttons: {Yes: true, Cancel: false}, 
callback: function(accept) {
if (accept) {
window.location = "remove-element.php?elementid=x";
return false;

$('').click(function() {
return false;



  • in order to use $(this).data('id'), you need to set your anchor tag as:

    <a class="link" href="javascript:;" data-elementid="66">Remove item</a>

    and pass in the value, as:

    $('').click(function() {
        return false;
    function removeItem(id) { 
        var txt = 'Are you sure you want to remove this item?';
        $.prompt(txt, { 
            buttons: {Yes: true, Cancel: false}, 
            callback: function(accept) {
                if (accept) {
                    window.location.href = "" + id;
                return false;