I am trying to write a function to use to play hangman, and everything is working perfectly except for the fact that the function doesn't recognize when the game has been won.
here is my revised code
def hangman():
word = choose_word(wordlist)
guessed_word = len(word)*['_']
guesses = 10
available_letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
guessed_letters = ""
letters_correct = 0
print "Welcome to the game, Hangman!"
print "I am thinking of a word that is", len(word), "letters long."
print "Available letters:", available_letters
print "You have", guesses, "guesses."
while letters_correct != len(word):
guess = raw_input("enter your guess:")
if len(guess)==1 and guess.isalpha():
if guessed_letters.find(guess) != -1:
print "You already picked", guess
guessed_letters = guessed_letters + guess
index1 = word.find(guess)
if index1 == -1:
print "The letter",guess,"is not in the word", ' '.join(guessed_word)
guesses = guesses - 1
print "You have", guesses, "guesses left."
if guesses == 0:
return "You are out of guesses. You lose. The word was "+ word + "."
available_letters = available_letters.replace(guess, '')
print "Available letters:", available_letters
letters_correct = letters_correct + word.count(guess)
print"The letter", guess, "is in the word."
for i in range(len(word)):
if guess == word[i]:
guessed_word[i] = guess
print ' '.join(guessed_word)
if letters_correct != len(word):
print "You have", guesses, "guesses left."
available_letters = available_letters.replace(guess, '')
print "Available letters:", available_letters
elif guesses <= 0:
return "You are out of guesses. You lose. The word was "+ word + "."
print "Please guess a single letter in the alphabet."
if letters_correct == len(word):
return "Congratualations! You figured out that the word is "+ word
The reason for the problem with the hangman game loop not terminating is with the letters_correct counter variable that the game while loop checks.
while letters_correct != len(word):
Let's say the word is banana and I guess the letter a
the branch in your code that handles a correct guess begins with this line:
letters_correct = letters_correct + 1
In the case of my word banana and guess a then the letters_correct variable should be incremented three times. Now if i guess n the letters_correct should be incremented twice.
In your current implementation guessing in the order I did would only increment letters_correct twice (2), when it should be 5. So, when increasing letters_count increment it the number of times guess appears in word.
letters_count = letters_count + word.count(guess)
That way on the game loop check the letters_count variable would actually be able to reach the length of the word.