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angular restangular service is not working correctly

I have a page which has ng-init = find(), after I go to other pages and do something with the db the data in the original page will change. And then I redirect the user to the original page. And I expect to see changes in the first page.

$scope.find = function() {  
              $scope.stats = stats;  

where the Stats is a service I created with restangular injected. The service looks like this:

angular.module('mean.stats').factory('Stats', ['Restangular', 
    function(Restangular) {
    var stats = Restangular.all('stats');
    return {
        query: stats.getList()

It doesn't work as I expected. But if I use the traditional $resource approach the outcome is correct.

angular.module('mean.stats').factory('Stats', ['$resource', 
    function($resource) {
    return $resource('stats/:statsId', {
       statsId: '@_id'

Also later I have figured out this restangular thing is also working correctly. I don't quite understand why is that... Does anyone know what is happening? Thanks.

angular.module('mean.stats').factory('Stats', ['Restangular', 
    function(Restangular) {
    var stats = Restangular.all('stats');
    return {
        query: function(){
            return stats.customGETLIST('');


  • In your second code block, you assigned Stat.query to a promise returned by getList() instead of a function invoking getList(). So the request was sent to server only once when the Stat factory was defined. To make it work, first make Stat.query a function invoking getList():

    angular.module('mean.stats').factory('Stats', ['Restangular', 
        function(Restangular) {
        var stats = Restangular.all('stats');
        return {
            query: function() {
                return stats.getList();

    Then invoke Stat.query in your $scope.find method: (add () after the query):

    $scope.find = function() {  
                  $scope.stats = stats;  