I am using the Sift implementation by Vlfeat.org. It has the follwing function which is supposed to save the features to a file.
def process_image(imagename,resultname,params="--edge-thresh 10 --peak-thresh 5"):
""" process an image and save the results in a file"""
if imagename[-3:] != 'pgm':
#create a pgm file
im = Image.open(imagename).convert('L')
imagename = 'tmp.pgm'
cmmd = str("sift "+imagename+" --output="+resultname+
" "+params)
print 'processed', imagename, 'to', resultname
Here how the line "os.system(cmmd)" is supposed to write the results in a file?
I am on an ubuntu machine and if I execute "sift" as command in terminal, I am getting the result as "not found". On linux, which process is this command trying to invoke? I need to save these Sift features into a file so that later I can use it to create Bag of Words descriptor for clustering.
A similar sift implementation at https://github.com/jesolem/PCV/blob/master/PCV/localdescriptors/sift.py also uses the same line to save the result into file.
On linux, which process is this command trying to invoke?
This refers to the command-line tool provided by vlfeat (see vlfeat/src/sift.c):
$ ./sift
Usage: ./sift [options] files ...
Options include:
--verbose -v Be verbose
--help -h Print this help message
--output -o Specify output file
You can either use the binary distribution from vlfeat download page (see bin/glnxa64/sift
for Linux 64-bit), or directly clone the repo and compile it from sources.
Make sure to adjust the path with cmmd = str("/path/to/sift " ...)
or install (= copy it) under a common path like /usr/local/bin