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Segmentation fault from fgets

I've debugged the heck out of this and cannot figure why my fgets is not working. Before I changed my code such that it dynamically resizes arrays, fgets works perfectly well. As I am a beginner in C, this problem has baffled me for quite a long time.

Here is the faulty code:

int readNumbers(int **array, char* fname, int hexFlag) {
    int numberRead = 0;
    FILE* fp;
    int counter = 0;
    char arr[100];
    char* ptr;
    size_t curSize = 16;
    int radix = hexFlag ? 16 : 10;

    *array = malloc(0 * sizeof(*array));

    fp = fopen(fname, "r");  

    if (fp == NULL) {
            printf("Error opening file\n");
            return -1;

    while (fgets(arr, sizeof(arr), fp)) { //Seg faults here when it reaches end of file.
            ptr = strtok(arr, " \n");
            while(ptr) {
                if (counter >= curSize) {
                     curSize += 16;
                     array = realloc(*array, curSize * sizeof(**array));
                (*array)[counter++] = strtol(ptr, NULL, radix);
                ptr = strtok(NULL , " \n");

    if (ferror(fp)) {
            return -1;

Here is the working code before the changes to make the array resize:

int readNumbers(int array[], char* fname, int hexFlag) {
    int numberRead = 0;
    FILE* fp;
    int counter = 0;
    char arr[100];
    char* ptr;

    fp = fopen(fname, "r");  

    if (fp == NULL) {
            printf("Error opening file\n");
            return -1;

    while (fgets(arr, sizeof(arr), fp)) {
            ptr = strtok(arr, " \n");
            while(ptr) {
               if (hexFlag == 0) { 
                    array[counter++] = strtol(ptr , NULL , 10);
               } else {
                    array[counter++] = strtol(ptr, NULL, 16);
               ptr = strtok(NULL , " \n");

    if (ferror(fp)) {
            return -1;

The newly added changes seg faults when the end of file is reached. I strongly suspect that this has to do with the double pointers. Any help is strongly appreciated!


  • I haven't gone through the whole code but *array = malloc(0 * sizeof(*array)) here this malloc call will not allocate any memory.