Search code examples

Query nested fields with elasticsearch in grails

I'm new to elasticseach and I'm having some issues to add filters to my queries.

My domain classes are like this:

Class A {
    String name
    A_Status status

    static searchable =  {
        status component: true

Class AImpl extends A {


Class A_Status {
    String name
    static searchable = { 
        root : false
        only = 'name'

On my controller the query I'm doing is:

def res =
    bool {
        must {
            term("": "ACTIVE")

I tried changing the searchable field to AImpl or putting "searchable = true", but had the same results, the query is empty always and it should get 4 results.

Another odd thing I found is that doing the uri search gives me the expected result, but the body query didn't.

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/com.sisconline.entities/_search?'

This has 4 hits.

curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/com.sisconline.entities/_search' -d '{
"query" : {
      "term":{ "":"ACTIVE"}

This gets 0 hits.

I'm using Grails 2.3.4 and elasticsearch plugin



  • I finally managed to solve problem by doing :

    must { 
      nested { 
         path = "status" 
         query { 
             bool { 
                must { 
                   term("": "active") } 

    Hope it helps others.