I'm new to elasticseach
and I'm having some issues to add filters to my queries.
My domain classes are like this:
Class A {
String name
A_Status status
static searchable = {
status component: true
Class AImpl extends A {
Class A_Status {
String name
static searchable = {
root : false
only = 'name'
On my controller the query I'm doing is:
def res = elasticSearchService.search()
bool {
must {
term("status.name": "ACTIVE")
I tried changing the searchable
field to AImpl
or putting "searchable = true"
, but had the same results, the query is empty always and it should get 4 results.
Another odd thing I found is that doing the uri search gives me the expected result, but the body query didn't.
curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/com.sisconline.entities/_search?q=status.name=ACTIVE'
This has 4 hits.
curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/com.sisconline.entities/_search' -d '{
"query" : {
"term":{ "status.name":"ACTIVE"}
This gets 0 hits.
I'm using Grails 2.3.4
and elasticsearch plugin
I finally managed to solve problem by doing :
must {
nested {
path = "status"
query {
bool {
must {
term("status.name": "active") }
Hope it helps others.