I am facing a weird issue wiht Qt. I am working with Qt Quick 2.2 on ubuntu with Qt5.3.1. I am using evaluation version of Qt enterprise.
I built Qt commercial chart with instruction as below. Navigated to Qtenterprise/EnterpriseAddOns/Charts/1.4/Src directory. executed the following commands. qmake CONFIG+="debug_and_release build_all" make make install
I am able to run the samples and demos provided with qt. But all of them seems to created with QT 5.2 or before.
I am able to create a new QT Quick UI project also. But when I am creating QT Quick application, Program is crashing and I am getting a SIGSEGV in file charttitle.cpp line number 33 as shown in the below picture.
Please help if somebody have already came across such an error.
Your problem is that you are using QGuiApplication. To use Qt Charts you want to use QApplication.