I have a very basic TSR code. What it does is, when I type "D" key, it will print "E" on the screen, nothing else.
What I want to do is: when i press "ESC" button I want to remove my TSR and return to original BIOS routine.
org 100h
equ 060h
EOI equ 020h
Master_8259 equ 020h
call _inst_09
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
mov bx, [es:09h*4]
mov [stari_int09_off], bx
mov bx, [es:09h*4+2]
mov [stari_int09_seg], bx
mov dx, tastatura
mov [es:09h*4], dx
mov ax, cs
mov [es:09h*4+2], ax
mov ax,3100h
mov dx,500
int 21h
push ax
in al, KBD ; Ucitati scan_code iz I/O registra tastature
mov [kbdata], al
cmp byte[kbdata],20h
je .lup
mov al, EOI ; Kod za End Of Interrupt (EOI)
out Master_8259, al ; Poslati EOI na Master PIC (dozvola novih prekida)
pop ax
mov al,45h
mov ah,0eh
int 10h
mov al, EOI
out Master_8259, al
pop ax
stari_int09_seg: dw 0
stari_int09_off: dw 0
kbdata: db 0
%include "ekran.asm"
I know that i need to uninstall my modified interupt but my program became iresponsive after i did so.
This would be the unnistaling procedure
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
mov ax, [stari_int09_seg]
mov [es:09h*4+2], ax
mov dx, [stari_int09_off]
mov [es:09h*4], dx
The trick is I don't know where to put it. I tried checking if ESC is pressed and then jump to this procedure but it seems it is not working.
Restore all hooked interrupt vectors to their original values, close all files (if any), free all dynamic memory allocated from DOS (if any), then free the program area itself. Depending on whether the TSR is a COM file or an EXE file, its starting address would be different. For COM files, the program memory starts at the file beginning; for EXE files, it's slightly more tricky. Then return from the interrupt handler as usual, it won't be invoked ever again.
To free DOS memory, use interrupt 21h, function 49h.
EDIT: your problem is with your interrupt handler. It doesn't process the keyboard input right, thus breaking the keyboard for the foreground process.
In the handler, call the original one first thing (with respect to the fact that it's an interrupt handler):
push es
push ax
mov ax, [stari_int09_seg]
mov es, ax
mov ax, [stari_int09_off]
call es:ax
Then use int 16 to read the keyboard input.