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In ActiveAndroid, how do I order by primary key?

I read that activeandroid generates ids for every record inserted.

I want to retrieve records from latest created to earliest created. I know to use orderBy(COL_NAME, DESC), where COL_NAME is the primary key column, but what is that column name?

I know I can create a pseudo primary key:

@Column(name = "id", unique = true, onUniqueConflict = Column.ConflictAction.REPLACE)
public long id;

and do

orderBy("id DESC").execute()

but I feel it's wasteful when I could just use the real primary key


  • From the Active Android Github Side:

    One important thing to note is that ActiveAndroid creates an id field for your tables. This field is an auto-incrementing primary key.

    In your case you could delete your @Column and it will work fine. 
