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Implementing another language before installation on ImpressPages 4.2.7

I tried to implement default turkish language before installation on version 4.2.7:


INSERT INTO `ip_language` (`abbreviation`, `title`, `languageOrder`, `isVisible`, `url`, `code`) VALUES ('TR', 'Türkçe', 1, 1, '', 'tr');

After installation i get the following error:

Fatal error: Class '\Ip\Internal\Translations\Translator' not found in /home/***/public_html/test/Ip/ServiceLocator.php on line 257

It was working same method on version 4.2.5 but doesnt work in this version. What changes on new version? What am i missing?

I tried like following:

INSERT INTO `ip_language` (`abbreviation`, `title`, `languageOrder`, `isVisible`, `url`, `code`) VALUES 
('EN', 'English', 1, 1, '', 'en'),
('TR', 'Türkçe', 1, 2, 'tr', 'tr');

Installation success but when i move turkish language to first, getting same error.

By the way, these method works perfect on localhost but doest work in live server.


  • The issue not about only ImpressPages. It's PHP bug about setLocale() function:

    Fixed the issue::