I tried to implement default turkish language before installation on version 4.2.7:
INSERT INTO `ip_language` (`abbreviation`, `title`, `languageOrder`, `isVisible`, `url`, `code`) VALUES ('TR', 'Türkçe', 1, 1, '', 'tr');
After installation i get the following error:
Fatal error: Class '\Ip\Internal\Translations\Translator' not found in /home/***/public_html/test/Ip/ServiceLocator.php on line 257
It was working same method on version 4.2.5 but doesnt work in this version. What changes on new version? What am i missing?
I tried like following:
INSERT INTO `ip_language` (`abbreviation`, `title`, `languageOrder`, `isVisible`, `url`, `code`) VALUES
('EN', 'English', 1, 1, '', 'en'),
('TR', 'Türkçe', 1, 2, 'tr', 'tr');
Installation success but when i move turkish language to first, getting same error.
By the way, these method works perfect on localhost but doest work in live server.
The issue not about only ImpressPages. It's PHP bug about setLocale() function:
Fixed the issue::https://github.com/impresspages/ImpressPages/issues/610